The adaptation module is useful for adaptation and dubbing professionals.
This optional module can be used on one or more adaptations in one project while sharing the same detection. The Adaptation module allows the original timeline to be copied to a second line, complete with mouth movement symbols. This copied timeline is then used as the basis for the adaptation.
On the timeline, the detection and adaptation of one or more characters can be seen simultaneously. It is also possible to edit the adaptation.
dubStudio's digital solution offers a unique reusable model that can be used during all the steps of dubbing a movie or a televised serie. Once the original production has been detected on the timeline, the project can be used as the basis for all adaptations or localizations. This allows for the centralization of a master detected version of a production and the exporting of this master version for local market dubbing. There is no need to repeat the same work over and over for each of the production's foreign language versions.
In addition to the time savings for each foreign language project, dubStudio automates the work process for series, normalizing working methods and bringing traceability to a project.
Since the video and rythmo bands are integrated onto one screen and are synchronized with the recording console, errors in synchronization are reduced and the realism of the dubbed productions is significantly improved.
dubStudio eliminates the need for physical transportation of media. The image is captured digitally and is handled digitally throughout the entire postproduction process.